Two Tails Up: Shapoopie Review

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shapoo main

I wanted my dog to actually write the review for the Shapoopie trial period we experienced, but he kept misspelling all the words and it was hard to read.  Example paragraph he typed:

uy 7KL&:& ypr9e9yha; 7hjksbjkaa Hag;]    ]a;48*(&*38848kjkkjmnmn        mnnkljkljhg3s

So I let him draw some of the illustrations instead.

In short, the  Shapoopie ($24.95) is a collapsible poo catcher.  You carry it with you on your walks and, when the time comes, extend it and position it so that your dog makes his deposit in the Shapoopie’s catcher cup.  The cup’s liners can then be disposed of.  Like a lot of gadgets I’ve reviewed and liked, it’s a niche but nice contraption.  It helps me avoid lower back pain when otherwise bending down to scoop up the little gifts with a plastic bag.

So read on to see if you think this niche is up your alley. . .

Tour of the Hardware

As mentioned, the Shapoopie has a telescoping handle (“telescoping” as in collapsible, not telescoping as my stupid sis– er someone who preferred to remain anonymous said “how come there’s a telescope on it??”).  This makes it convenient to carry by hand or to tuck away in your car or on a hook next to your dog’s leash.  It’s made of aluminum so it’s very light weight.

shapoo telescope
No not that kind of telescoping !
Telescoping arm and liner in the cup

The primary business end of the Shapoopie is the receiving cup which is lined with a specially designed disposable liner.  The liner has a well-fitting lid that keeps the contents secure through the remainder of your walk.  It (the liner) also has an indentation so that it fits snugly into the cup.  This aspect is a little difficult to see in the scream shot below, but if you look toward the rear of the liner you can see the shadow.  This is actually a very important point since it helps keep the liner in place after it has been used but before your walk is complete.

shapoo with liner
Close up of the receiver cup and liner.
what is that
Shot of the cup from the bottom -- looks like a mask from "Silence of the Lambs". I haven't quite figured out the purpose of the cleats on the bottom of the cup, but I would guess that they help keep it in place on wet grass.
shapoo open
Cup with liner installed

Another key point of the cup attachment is that it is actually angled slightly away from the extension pole which allows it to fit a little better under the uhm,  … well under the depositor.  As with a lot of products, this is a very subtle but important feature.

shapoo angle2
The cup is angled slightly downwards from the extension pole.

At the end of the rod are two slightly bowed protrusions which look similar to a set of antlers. You’d probably think (“oh, leftover from the tooling mold”), but once you actually use the Shapoopie their use becomes obvious: they help close the extension rod without having to touch the cup. This not only makes it easier to close the rod, but also prevents icky encounters if your dog is a little too messy.

shapoo rear
Rear of Shapoopie -- note two extended, slightly concave processes.
shapoo retract
Extra nice feature -- finger grips to help in collapsing the pole.

In summary, the device has a lot of thought put into it.  Julie and I had commented how many products, if they just had some slight tweakage, could be so much better, and I have to say that this is one of the better thought-out and executed gadgets.

Tour of the Software

Heh heh, just kidding.  That would be gross.

Shapoopie In Actual Use

So the hardware is well designed and executed, how is it in actual practice?

Well, first, you don’t want to take this thing out the very first day that you get it in the mail (ahem), watch your dog like a hawk for the right moment (ahem), fling it open in a wild flourish (ahem) and then thrust it excitedly under the hot spot (ahem).  As Bach shows in his illustration below, that doesn’t work so well.

bach oh no
hOw kuM she pUT daT tHing unDer mY bUm ? aND i no liKE peeples waTcH me wEn i hafTA poo AnD nO likE skweRlS what LAff aT me eetHEr

The official recommendation is to keep the Shapoopie fully extended for the first couple of walks so that your dog does not get spooked when it is extended.  It’s also not wise to jump or chase after him waving the pole like a lunatic trying to catch the uhm, products, as this will also tend to spook him.  Ahem.

You really have to get your dog accustomed to it first.  After skeering the Bach out of his wits with my initial enthusiasm on my first outing, I decided to acclimate him to it by putting liver treats in the liner.  It actually took a few days for him to come near it but eventually he lost his fear of it.

shapoo bach
Place a bone in the cup to help get the Bach used to it. (The Bach moves fast.)

In our tests, the liners were easy to install and, after several deposits (ahem), I closed the lid and was able to walk with the collapsed Shapoopie without any “incidents” (i.e. the liner flying open and . . . uhm other stuff flying around).   I tend to be very oblivious so I didn’t pay any attention to where the cup was in relation to the ground.  And that’s as it should be: the Shapoopie stayed shut after I closed the lid.   I placed a few videos at the end of this article demonstrating this capability.  In the videos, I used plumbers’ putty as a fling tester product.  I also swung the Shapoopie a bit harder than I had ever done so in actual use, so the video tests are a little aggresive.  (Plumbers’ putty is also, by the way, much more dense than the actual “product”.)

The only issues I ran into were due to me not paying attention and therefore missing the opportunity, and the tendency for the Bach to take off running at the end of his cycle, thus again causing me to miss some of the … stuff.

So I have nothing negative to report about the product.  I talked to the chief designer about some possible froo-froo enhancements, and he said that each of the following had been considered but rejected in order to keep the price of the Shapoopie down.  Here are the ideas we had thrown around:

  • A built-in flashlight. (The Bach and I often walk at O’dark:thirty in the morning and a light would help hit the target.)  This would actually be pretty easy to add on with some duct tape or a snap-on device.
  • An umbrella-like push button to automatically extend the rod (and yes I AM the laziest person on the planet).
  • An articulated angle for the handle to alleviate wrist tension.
  • A fork-like attachment to act as a partial scooper after a “miss”.  (I think this, too, would be fairly easy to cobble on, I might try this trick and report back.)

Finally, I just had to try using a plastic bag in the cup rather than one of the official liners, the results are shown below.  Although the bag may work, I don’t think it would be as secure when swinging the rod along while walking.  But it’s an option.  The holes in the bottom of the cup allow the bag to be partially pulled through and thus secured a little.

shapoo bag1
Lining the cup with a grocery bag (front)
shapoo bag2
Lined with grocery bag, from rear

Summary?  Good, solid product, well-thought-out, works, very nice for those of us who have chronic back issues.  Takes a little time for the other participant to get used to.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Here are a few videos showing how the official liner stays in place (for the most part).  As I mentioned, the ‘tests’ herein are much more aggressive than you would normally encounter during a walk.  I can attest that they never failed me during walks with the Bach.  (And I’m also one of the most oblivious eejits on the planet.)


Video Sample 1

Video Sample 2


Product Information

Price:$24.95, $16.95 for 60 liners
  • dog
  • Collapsible, smooth action, ergonomic, works
  • Depending on the dog, can be tricky to be at the right spot at the right time.

8 thoughts on “Two Tails Up: Shapoopie Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Well now we know what it is! A pooper picker upper! Who would have thunk!

    And what it’s not:
    Bondage for PC mice, foot pedal for a sewing machine, braille mouse, hand massage devise you can put on the mouse, something to help with carpel tunnel, face mask on Hannibal in “Silence of the Lambs”, toilet freshener, -wired (USB) bluetooth receiver-some variation of TuneBug (turns a flat surface into a speaker)-wired microphone attached to a teleconferencing base unit-Satellite radio receiver in a case (perhaps for surface mounting?)-gyroscopic mouse in a protective case, chianti and fava beans??, A mousetrap a belt clip holster for a bluetooth headset, Bucketheads new mask, anti theft device for mice, house for your mouse, a shoe deodorizer…

    My favorite was “Bondage for PC mice” 🙂

  3. Well…. You’d have to be quick.

    Seriously, it wouldn’t work for most dogs. Wave a big stick behind them whilst they’re having a poo and they’ll run off!

    As those who know about dogs will realise, the dog in the photo wasn’t actually ‘on the job’ when pictured!

    Heaven help you if you’ve got more than 1 dog.

  4. I think I could get my dog to trust me with it, but why? She won’t be comfortable, so I’ll just let her be a dog and do doggie things.

    Kind of like those jerks I see at the stable during their riding sessions. They kick the horse while the horse is having a poo because “You gotta show em who’s boss!” Uh yeah no, you’re doin’ it wrong. I’ve never been in that much of a hurry with my horse.

    The examples are similar because you’re making the animal do something that it CAN do, but will NEVER feel comfortable with. And for what really, so we don’t have to bend over, or we feel we’ve won some imaginary battle, or because we were in that much of a hurry.

    Nah, not my thing.

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