Virgin Mobile MiFi Prepaid Hotspot

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mifi prepaid virgin mobileVirgin Mobile is offering prepaid plans for the MiFi Intelligent Mobile Hotspot.  This MiFi device allows up to five different WiFi-enabled devices to connect to the internet wherever you may be.  The MiFi Intelligent Mobile Hotspot is $149.  Mobile plans vary from $10 to $60, depending on the amount of data.

4 thoughts on “Virgin Mobile MiFi Prepaid Hotspot”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I have this and I love it! Just use it for the rare times I am not at home or at work (where I have wifi). Works great with my iPhone, iPad and laptop. It’s great not to sign a contract. I just keep this in my gadget bag and I’m ready for anything!

  3. Having used Verizon’s MiFi for quite some time now at work, I decided to try out Virgina Mobile’s take on it for personal use. My needs are infrequent access for my iPod Touch, iPad and Alienware M11x. Set up went smoothly, and was merely a matter of following the prompts. Connecting my devices was as easy as using Verizon’s MiFi. What was both nice and differant was that it could all be done over the wireless connection. I never once had to physically connect it to a device to configure or activate it, something I’ve always had to do with Verizon in the past! Now for the single possible negative. It uses Sprint’s network. With the exception of the local mall and very few hotel rooms, I’ve always gotten a good 3G signal from Verizon. With the Virgin Mobile device it is a bit more of a challenge. Think cell phone. Do you have a signal in the back of the room, or just by the window? How well does it work when you do have a signal, I love it! No long term contract, and for the few time a month I have to use it I only have to pay $20. So, for those of you who have multiple WiFi devices that only need ocassional access and don’t want to have to get into expensive long term contracts, here is the answer you have been looking for. Of course, higher high usage amounts are available if you need them, and if you run out, just buy more, no surprises at the end of the month when you get your bill.

  4. welcome to the wonderful world of Escalation, this is a term that you will hear alot now,,my ip changes when it wants to(desktop pc in front of window) my ping is over 400ms alot(forget a game, everyone knows anything over 200ms is called LAG),, slow page loads, if they load at all, it will deactivate at will, call a tech, good luck,they dont even know what a ping is,it is your pc not them( i have XP Pro, 3.2G Duel processors, 2G ram and a 50/150/300 net card,,,not my pc) ,,,unplug, restart, well this will have to be Escalated to a higher level,we will reply in 72 hours, NOT, i have had this problem for a year now, i have had my unit replaced, i have even gone to the BBB and that did not help,,class action time,,,any good lawyers out there that want to help???? i have many screen shots and much evidence,, all in all this is a piece of crap if you live in the sticks,, used to be that to advertise something you had to live up to your end of the deal but not anymore no one wants to help, pay someone to get a product and you get what they want to give you not the 3G that is advertised, BBB sux also.. they are on the buisness side of things, oh,,,i am a IT tech and the service from Virgin Mobile is the problem

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