Computer Software Engineer Barbie is officially Barbie’s 126th Career Choice. Whoda thunk it? Barbie, that iconic symbol of glamour and the impossible figure (and wardrobe) is now a nerd. Yes, tech fans, Barbie the doll by Mattel, is now a geek. In order to celebrate Barbie’s 125th career choice (mid life crisis anyone?), Mattel sponsored a Vote For Barbie’s Next Career campaign on their website in effort, ostensibly, to motivate young female minds towards career goals outside of being a fabulously dressed, pimped out car ridin’ glamour girl with the same “out of the spotlight” boyfriend, Ken.
To this end, voters voted and the word was heard. Almost. Instead of Barbie’s 125th Career choice, Mattel is releasing two career dolls that will reflect the voters’ responses.
Aimed at recruiting more females into the computer industry, Mattel has made Barbie (remember, this is a doll that has held jobs like Chief Surgeon, Airline Pilot, Army Medic and an Astronaut) a computer cubicle dweller. Barbie is outfitted with a pink (naturally) Blackberry, aqua blue Bluetooth headset, hot pink nerdy reading glasses and a pink laptop (maybe just a hair larger than my netbook) that (don’t say I didn’t warn you) runs Linux. Yes, Mattel has certainly done their homework. Obviously gleaning clues from whatever Nerdery they visited, they’ve outfitted Barbie in a cramped cubicle (replete with a picture of Ken) and a fashionable ensemble completely out of step with the togs that your average and sundry computer software engineer sports these days. But while Barbie’s ensemble IS fashion forward, she continues to pay homage to the Geek: her blouse sports binary code all over it.

Computer Software Engineer Barbie is Barbie’s 126th Career Choice. This was the Most Popular Career Choice voted in by all kinds of moms, grandmoms and who knows who else. But. Mattel does collect demographic information because the Girls’ Most Popular Career Choice? TV News Anchor Barbie which is the 125th Career Choice. Which one will you get for your daughter?
[First photo courtesy of]
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let’s not insult techies worldwide.
flying pig trainer would’ve been a more appropriate career for the plastic blonde.
hopefully in the next incarnation. um, in-plastic-nation I meant.
Oh come on! Every occupation has been represented by Barbie but the geeks have gone unnoticed. This is a fabulous affirmation to honor the Nerd.
I think this is great for girls and geeks. Mattel has brought Barbie a long way from the talking Barbie that actually said “Math is hard”. It can’t hurt the linux image by having it on her laptop either.
She needs a Three Wolf Moon t-shirt and a can of Mountain Dew.
But for a Barbie she is practically flat chested.
She actually is.
Could they have not waited 2 careers, and made this one the 128th career? THERE would have been geek cred.
I was thinking a “I read your email” t-shirt!
Nice that Mattel created new Barbie’s look! Hope it’s to support women in IT professions! I am a girl and my profession is Computer Software Engeneer. Sometimes it’s so hard to work and argue with men