Midwest Earthquake

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So who else felt the earthquake this morning? I live in southern Indiana, and was lying in bed when it happened. I actually didn’t feel a thing. I just heard some weird noises and thought it was Max my cat running up and down the hall like a wacko. Then the DJ on the radio said “Did you just feel that?”. Any one reading this site from near the epicenter? If so, any gadget damage to report?

I hope everyone has a good and non-shaky weekend!

10 thoughts on “Midwest Earthquake”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I’m up in Michigan and although I didn’t feel anything, I’ve talked to a couple of people who did.
    However my sister who is in Bloomington, IN said her bed shook like mad. My parents are in Columbus, IN – I have yet to talk to them. Wild stuff.

  3. Well, I’m in Michigan, too (about an hour NW of Detroit), and we definitely did feel it. We’re in the middle of having some major repairs done to our house, so my first thought was that part of a wall or roof had collapsed. But, then the radio started reporting that it was an actual earthquake. No damage here.

  4. I wonder what the strongest recorded earthquake in this area has been? I think I can remember another one years and years ago (at least 20yrs), that I actually did feel.

  5. There definitely was one in Indiana around 20 years ago… I was living in Fort Wayne at the time, probably about 1986-88 or so, and felt it while taking a shower. I remember thinking a big truck was pulling up in the parking lot outside, or something…

  6. 20yrs ago I was working at Hills Department store (do they even have those anymore) in the Boy’s Wear department when it happened. I felt the earth move under my feet (sorry, I couldn’t help myself)…

  7. Rob,

    The earthquake in Fort Wayne was in 1986. Summer or Spring.
    I was inside and I thought it was a jet flying over. People who were outside didn’t feel anything.

    The April 2008 one woke me up. I didn’t know it was an eathquake at the time.

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