Read About Featured Gadgeteer – Andrew N

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Name: Andrew N
Location: Australia

I�m 15, and a student in
Australia. I have a fairly good collection of gadgets and
computer hardware. My parents are programmers, so we have a lot of computers
around the house. Below is a pic of my desk, which as you can see is fairly

gotm nov 04 2

My first interest in technology was when I was about 3 or 4, and my parents
bought an Apple 2FX (that was a top-of-the-line computer back then). We then
upgraded to a Compaq with a 90 MHz Pentium, which we overclocked to 100 MHz.
Then to a Pentium 3 550 MHZ, a Pentium 4 1.5 GHz, and now my gaming machine, a
Pentium 4 2.6 GHz with a gig of ram. Computer building, tweaking and modding is
one of my main hobbies, alongside gadgetry.

My first interest in gadgets was about 3 years ago, when someone at school had a
cheap Casio organiser, and I was envious. So I saved up, and got a Palm M125. I
loved it, and I still use it occasionally.

My main PDA is a Viewsonic V37 for which I have a 64mb SD card; I also have a
Palm M125. I have a Panasonic GD 55 cell phone, and a Sony DSC 717 digital
camera. My latest gadget is my 40gig 4th generation iPod, which I bought last
week. I also have a Sony MZR 500 minidisc player, which I will now be retiring.
My favourite electronic item is my computer however, which I use to play games
and surf the net.

I also dabble in building electronic kits, and my other hobbies include RC cars,
airbrushing, swimming, hockey and playing the piano. I�ve been a big fan of the
gadgeteer ever since I read your review of the Palm M125, which convinced me to
buy it. I�m a gadgeteer, and it doesn�t
look like it�s going to change any time soon.

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