Town Compass Pocket Directory Review

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Product Requirements:

Palm OS 3.5 or higher

Pocket Directory™ Database files are a series of databases for your Palm OS™ handheld,
containing thousands of entries on different subjects. Pocket Directory™ databases can be browsed using the
Town Compass DataViewer software,
a patent pending application for storing, navigating and displaying content on handheld devices .
The databases are built as hierarchical lists of information, allowing quick access and navigation by subject, index or keyword. The Pocket Directory™ Database files
are divided into several product groups: Almanac, Encyclopedia, eBooks, City, Book of Lists, Sports, Government, Awards and Reference.
Among Pocket Directory™ titles you may find the World Book Concise Encyclopedia 2003, The Holly Bible – New and Old Testament,
The 2002 World Almanac, IndexOnly™ City Directory and many more.

Town Compass DataViewer

The Town Compass DataViewer v2.5 is a free 76K viewer for Pocket Directory™ databases. Accessing database information is as simple as tapping on the needed entry,
through the three-tier hierarchical structure, available at every Pocket Directory™ database. Among DataViewer advanced features are graphic and multiple
font support for enriched content presentation, storage card compatibility, “Tap & Dial” for auto-dialing, “Tap & Add” for calendar event support, “Footnote Lookup”
for bibliographical, glossary, and definition information, Global Find search support, Graffiti Quick-Find Autoscroll support, High-Resolution display support
and infrared beaming of the application, databases and records. The DataViewer supports multiple databases, on the handheld or the external flash card. It is possible to switch between the databases, without leaving the program.
Each database comes with a graphic colour cover page, if your handheld has a color screen. The DataViewer program supports multiple resolutions: Standard
160X160, High-Res 320X320 and Sony High-Res+ 320X480.


The DataViewer is the first software solution I’ve seen, to implement an easy navigation interface for accessing tons of information. Navigating through the database couldn’t
been easier. In fact, you even have three ways to find the information you want: 3-Tier Hierarchy, Fingerpoint® Alphabetical Index, and Keyword Search.
3-Tier Hierarchy is is based on creating categorized lists organized by Subject, Category and Subcategory. ‘Associated’ lists are located next to one another, so browsing lists becomes intuitive.
The Fingerpoint® Alphabetical Index is an index of all entries in the Database. When a list is selected from the Index, you are returned to its place in the Hierarchy, which also allows you to see other ‘associated’ entries.
Keyword search is the last method, which implements Palm OS Global Find feature to search for entries in the database. The only drawback I’ve found in the DataViewer
is the lack on an internal smart find feature. I don’t like using the Palm OS Global Find, which can’t be configured at all, to search a misspelled entry in the database. I wish
the next edition of the DataViewer had a built-in find feature.


DataViewer comes with a list of advanced features for better integration with external Palm OS software. “Tap&Dial” is an auto-dialing feature
available mainly in IndexOnly™ City Directory titles. Whenever you see a phone number in the database, just tap once, for making a call (Palm OS SmartPhones).
“Tap & Add” enters dates into the DateBook. Remind yourself about important dates and events, historical dates, sports games and business conferences.
FootNote Lookup is a nice feature, tap on a footnote and a pop-up window appears explaining the footnote.

World Book Concise Encyclopedia 2003 Palm OS® Edition

The World Book Concise Encyclopedia 2003 contains more than 17,000 entries, containing only the first paragraph of the original printed edition.
Entries contain dates, biographies, measurements, history, terminology and many more. This database is perfect for everyone, however is is vital to students, lecturers, teachers etc.
The 7673k works perfectly from the Storage Card, with only a 200kb swap file on the handheld. It costs $19.95.


Here is an example of the entry for Israel:
Israel is a small country in southwestern Asia. It occupies a narrow strip of land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Israel was founded in 1948 as a homeland
for Jews from all parts of the world. and more than 4 out of 5 of its people are Jews. Even Jews who live elsewhere consider Israel their spiritual home. Almost all the non-Jews
in Israel are Arabs. Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and largest city.

Here is a full A-Z list of the database entries:

A (1,100 entries), from A capella to Azurite
B (1,376 entries), from Baal to Byzantine Empire
C (1,629 entries), from Cabal to Czerny, Karl
D (708 entries), from D-day to Dysprosium
E (493 entries), from E. coli to Ezra, Book of
F (737 entries), from Faber, Eberhard to Fuzhou
G (840 entries), from G (Force) to Gyroscope
H (874 entries), from Haast Pass to Hysteria
I (363 entries), from I Ching to Izmir
J (316 entries), from Jabiru to Juvenile delinquency
K (364 entries), from K2 to Kyzylkum
L (844 entries), from Labor, Department of to Lyte, Henry Francis
M (1,340 entries), from Ma Yuan to Mythology
N (501 entries), from Nabokov, Vladimir to Nystagmus
O (317 entries), from O Canada to Ozone
P (1,181 entries), from Paca to Python
Q (61 entries), from Qadhafi, Muammar Muhammad al- to Quran
R (676 entries), from Rabat to Ryukyu Islands
S (1,639 entries), from Saadi to Szold, Henrietta
T (786 entries), from Tabasco to Tyson, Mike
U (122 entries), from Ubangi River to Uzbekistan
V (280 entries), from V-E Day to Vulture
W (594 entries), from Wabash River to Wythe, George
X (15 entries), from X rays to XYZ Affair
Y (104 entries), from Yablonovyy Mountains to Yurok Indians
Z (68 entries), from Zagreb to Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma

Shakespeare’s Sonnets – Town Compass® eBook


The immortal sonnets of Shakespeare are available as a database for $2.95. Those sonnets actually can be found for free at
However, the difference between a regular eBook and a Town Compass eBook, are the ease of finding an entry and the perfect structure. You can download a free demo version of the sonnets database in a case
you want give it a try.

The 2002 World Almanac – World Data Bundle

The 2002 World Almanac – World Data Bundle consists of 4 separate databases
which can be bought separately. The databases are: World Exploration & Geography
Database, World History Database, Nations of the World Database and 2001 Year in
Review Database. Each database costs $9.95 on its own, and the bundle costs
$19.95 (50% discount if you bought them all, so you pay for 2 of the databases).
The Bundle size is 3,553k.


The World Exploration & Geography database is divided
into 6 major directories: Exploration, Volcanoes, Mountains, Oceans&Islands,
Cities&Continents and Rivers&Lakes.


The World History database includes Prehistory to 400
BC (Beginning of History & Classical Era), 400 BC to 900 AD (Great Empires &
Spread of Monotheism), 900 AD to 1700 AD (Medieval Europe & Growth of Islam),
1700 AD to 1900 AD (Revolution in Philosophy & Industry), 1900 AD to 1950 AD
(War & Revolution), 1950 AD to 2001 AD (Rising Expectations, Disillusionment, &
Post-Cold War), Gods & Goddesses, and Historical Figures.


The Nations of the World database includes
Population, Age Distribution, Population Density, Urban Density, Ethnic Groups,
Principal Languages, Chief Religion, Area, Location, Neighbors, Topography,
Capital, Cities, Type of Government, Head of State, Local Political Divisions,
Defense Budget, Active Troops, Industries, Chief Crops, Minerals, Crude Oil
Reserves, Arable Land, Livestock, Fish Catch, Electricity Production, Monetary
Unit, GDP, Per Capita GDP, Imports, Exports, Tourism, Budget, International
Reserves, Gold Reserves, Consumer Prices, Railroads, Motor Vehicles, Civil
Aviation, Chief Ports, TV Sets, Radios, Telephones, Daily Newspaper Circulation,
Life Expectancy, Births, Deaths, Infant Mortality, Education, Literacy, Major
International Organizations, Embassy in the US, History, and Notes.


The 2001 Year in Review database includes 2001 News
Stories, including the Top Ten Stories and Offbeat News Stories, America at War,
including the September 11 Terrorist Attacks, Assessing the Damage, Response &
Retaliation, and Facts About the Attacks, 2001 Event Chronology, including
Monthly Chronology from November 2000 to October 2001, US Presidential Election,
150 Minutes That Changed the World, US Struck by Terrorists, and Profile of
Osama Bin Laden Quotes & Obituaries, including Supreme Court Decisions, Nobel
Prizes, Notable Quotes, and Notable Obituaries, Historical Anniversaries,
including from 100 Years Ago in 1902 and 50 Years Ago in 1952, Focus on Children
Feature, including Helping Children Cope, World & US Children’s Population
Figures, Family Living, Family Costs, Poverty Figures, Family Income, Education,
Community Service, Child/Day Care Arrangements, Health, Risky Behavior,
Depression, and Sexual Behavior.


The Art of War by Sun Tzu – Town Compass® eBook The Art of War, the oldest military treatize in the world, is in some aspect is as true as Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. Those books were written in different periods (2,000 years apart), however they will be
still relevant for 2,000 years more. Sun Tzu strategies are now available as a
Town Compass book, for $2.95. The online version may be found here.


US Declaration of Independence Pocket Directory™ The Declaration of Independence, including the Preamble and full text of the Declaration, Declaration Signers, including By Name and By State, each with Photo, State, Date of Birth, Birthplace, Occupation, and Date of Death,
Chronology of Events, including Chronology 1776-77 and a Portrait of King George III can be found as a freeware full version database to play with. Apropos the declaration, I recommend “The Stars Like Dust” by Isaac Asimov, a very nice novel.

Town Compass has come with an interesting solution for Palm OS Mr. Know It Alls. This is the first time someone organized thousands of entries and adapted them for
the Palm OS handheld. If you are a student, a teacher or a lecturer, or just want to have some valuable information on your Palm OS handheld, say no more, the World Book Concise Encyclopedia 2003 Palm OS® Edition is a must.
Pocket Directory has more than 100’s more titles for downloading and evaluating, each with a demo version for you to try before you buy. There are even free recommended valuable titles. I don’t know about you, but I don’t leave home without
some of them :-).

Price: $2.95-$19.95 for a database

Thousands of entries at the palm of your hand
Tons of organized, simply structured information which can be easily found
IR beam support

Lack of internal “Find” option – should use Palm OS Global Find instead


Product Information

Manufacturer:Town Compass
  • Thousands of entries at the palm of your hand
  • Tons of organized, simply structured information which can be easily found
  • IR beam support
  • Lack of internal "Find" option - should use Palm OS Global Find instead

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