The AIRE Mask – Charge your Phone with The Force

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Use The Force to charge your phone….the force of your breath that is.  Looking like something out of Star Wars, the Aire Mask is a concept design by Joao Lammoglia that uses your breath to turn small turbines and convert the air displacement into energy to charge your phone.

“The consumerist tendencies of today’s industrialised society make the use of gadgets increasingly common, either by necessity or hobby. Though many of our gadgets offer benefits, they tend to consume a high amount of electrical energy. This may cause problems for the environment, especially if the energy used by these devices is derived from non-renewable sources.”

24 thoughts on “The AIRE Mask – Charge your Phone with The Force”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Good one, Julie! I can just see news reports now of people on subways hyperventilating trying to get their phone charged up!

  3. I would not go for a run wearing that like the model in the photo…a while back there was a news story about a guy who went for a run wearing a gas mask (something about altitude training) and got arrested because he dropped off a package at the post office while wearing it.

    Also, if I were out for a run and went past someone wearing one of those I’d either run harder in the other direction or fall down laughing. Or both.

  4. Better clean it very good very often.

    The moisture inside the cap could let fungi grow in it …
    and you don’t want fungi in your lungs !!!

  5. After careful testing we have measured the power output with different groups. This has been done to see if you can generate enough power for your specific need.

    Average, Peak per breath
    Average Male: .5w, 1.1w
    Average Female: .4w, .9w
    Crying Child: .9w, 2.7w
    Female Teenager on phone: 3.5w, 5.4w
    Male Teenager on phone: .001w, .001w
    Getting (Female Teenager on phone) attention: 2.77w, 3.5w
    Politician: 56.9w, 99.1w
    Politician during campaign: 1766w, 1.21gigawats.

  6. Dr. Emmett Brown: No, no, no, no, no. This sucker’s electrical. But I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need.

  7. Correction:
    Dr. Emmett Brown: No, no, no, no, no. This sucker’s electrical. But I need a Presidential nominee and debate stage to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need.

  8. Do the math … there is no free lunch, or free energy here … the widely public assertion that there is, in hopes of finding a “partnership” to take this

  9. From a universal stand point, No there is no “Free lunch” There are however “Free to you” lunches. I’m not saying this is one. A “Free to you” lunch would be utilizing energy that normally would be “wasted” to serve a useful purpose.

  10. I think this is the worst product ever, i would look like a pedophile wearing this.
    If i ever see someone running with this i will think they want to bushwalk with me

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