Check out some stunning new textile designs from Ethonotek!

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ethnotek akancollection 1

Ethnotek partners with artisan villages in Indonesia, Ghana, Guatemala, Vietnam, and India to produce hand-made textiles that they incorporate into their backpacks, bags, and accessories. Not only do these partnerships result in gorgeous products, but they help to keep these traditional textile making techniques alive by employing the local artisans. 

The new Akan collection features textiles from the Somanya village in Ghana, Africa produced with a combination of techniques that include block printing, tie-dye and batik (a technique that uses wax to selectively control the painting/dying process). Words can’t do the patterns justice… just click here to go check them out for yourself!

Ethnotek incorporates the fabric into a variety of bags including pouches, sling bags, and backpacks. They also offer the new patterns in swappable panels (called “Threads”) that are available on certain backpack models. You buy the bag, choose the thread, and can switch up your style with future thread purchases as the mood strikes you. It’s a great option for customization without having to buy a completely new bag.

Prices on the new line range from $18.00 to $200.00 depending on what model or bag type you are looking for. Click here to view the new Akan collection, or bounce to the Ethnotek home page to learn more about their full product lineup. You can check out their Amazon store too.

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