Knork – A friend for your spork

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You’ve no doubt heard of a spork which looks like a spoon with short fork-like tines on the edge. Campers and EDC fans like them because they combine two tools into one. Enter the Knork which looks like an ordinary stainless steel fork till you take a closer look. The outside tines have been beveled without being overly sharp to allow you to cut foods that would normally require a knife. The knork has also been designed with a special finger platform to facilitate cutting food using a rocking motion instead of a sawing motion. Without actually using one, it’s hard to tell if it can do a better job than all the other forks in my silverware drawer. I can imagine how it could be beneficial for people with the use of only one hand. Knorks are available through Amazon in sets of one or more and also in plastic. Prices range from $2.99 and up.

3 thoughts on “Knork – A friend for your spork”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Looks like a great idea. Years ago I took my titanium spork and sharpened one edge to get the same effect.

  3. We love the knork because it so stylish and is really good for people with a weak grip who maybe can’t use a knife because of a stoke or disability. There are not many products out there in the ‘adapted cutlery’ range that don’t look like they are intended for toddlers. The knork looks ordinary and isn’t out of place when you use it in a restaurant. The problem is that the staff sometimes think you are stealing their cutlery when you take it away with you again!

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