Pocket Predator – Wicked Pocket Sized Slingshots

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Remember when you were a kid and made your own slingshot with a forked branch, a big rubberband and some pebbles? It looks like William Hays of PocketPredator.com never grew out of that phase. He took his love of slingshots and has elevated it to the nth degree. William makes these wrist rockets out of a variety of modern materials like high tech resins and multiplex woods. His unique forks allow you to even shoot arrows with them! These slingshots are NOT TOYS, but would sure come in handy if you had some of these cat sized rats running around your property! I’m kidding… I don’t think I could kill a rat with a slingshot because I’m…a…wimp when it comes to stuff like that. It would be fun to have one of these for target practice though. William’s currently available slingshots are priced from $24.95 – $89.95 depending on the style.

7 thoughts on “Pocket Predator – Wicked Pocket Sized Slingshots”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I would suggest that anyone interested in slingshots look up THE SLINGSHOT CHANNEL on YouTube. It is run by a German fellow named Joerg Sprave. Joerg is awesome. He is a key member of the international slingshot community. He has designed some of the best slingshots available. And he makes crazy-wild slingshot videos.

  3. i went to pocketpreditor.com and tried to order a slingshot and the order page would not take my order, so i sent an email explaining the problem and asked for an address to send a money order to. that was two and half wks. ago, and i still have not gotton a response, so dont waste your time here. its a real shame too because it looks like a good product.

    1. Patrick Wilkins

      I ordered pp hathcock over 2weeks ago,I have not got a email or anything.I even had to pay for in U.S. shipping extra.They say they make them as you order.I think that’s B.S. They are probably made in bulk sitting on a shelf,that makes more sense.

  4. Patrick Wilkins

    where is my slingshot,pp hathcock.I just live a 100miles from bill hays.I ordered it 3weeks ago and I had to pay 8dollors for shipping.Whats the problem.BAD BUISNESS

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