John’s Anti Smart Phone

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johns phone 1Do you ever pine for the days when you didn’t have to charge your phone every day, or when you didn’t have to have some sort of degree to operate some of the functions, or that your phone didn’t have all those functions that you’ll never use  ? Do your kids annoy you with their constant texting and terrible ringtones ? Well this just might be the answer.

johns phone 2This unlocked quad band phone has a single ringtone with three different volume levels, a single line display and 10 speed dials. Of course if you have more contacts than that, there’s an additional contacts book. Yep, turn the phone over and there’s a contacts notebook under the cover complete with stylus pen. Fill it with as many contacts as you want, include pictures, notes or anything and you can even use this function when the phone’s switch off. Battery life is quoted as 3 weeks on standby.  No camera, no texting, no data connection, no frills.

Make calls, take calls, what more do you really want? Check it out at John’s Phones approx: $120

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