Julie’s Gear Diary – 2003-07-03

Here’s wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July holiday weekend! Have fun watching fireworks shows, attending cookouts and celebrating our independence! We’ll be back Monday with a new review! Until then, be sure and check out the Show Us Your Gadgeteer Spirit Contest. We’ve already received a few entries that have been posted […]

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2003-07-03 Read More

Palm Zire Slim Leather Case Review

Product Requirements: Device: Palm Zire or Zire 71 PDA The new Palm Zire 71 ships with what some consider the best Palm-bundled case provided to-date.  It’s a simple slipper-style affair; made of plastic with open elastic sides and a Velcro closure.  The bundled case suffers from a number of deficiencies that may drive new Zire

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Read About Featured Gadgeteer – Henry Kong

Name: Henry Kong Location: Singapore I guess I have always been attracted to gadgets.   Gaming consoles As far as I can remember, my first game console was a B&W made-in-Hong Kong pong machine that plugs into the TV.  This was followed by the Atari VCS 2600, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, MegaDrive and a host of other

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Case Logic DMC2 Digital Media Case Review

Product Requirements: Device: up to 6 memory cards, including Memory Stick, Smart Media, and Compact Flash If you’ve ever owned a CD wallet, CD player case, or (for us older kids) a cassette case, then you know Case Logic. They also make PDA and notebook PC carriers. Looking around my bomb shelter I call an

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XM PC Satellite Radio Review

Product Requirements: Device: PC with the following minimum requirements: Pentium®-class processor; Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, or Windows XP; Memory: 32 MB of RAM & 15 MB of hard-disk space; CD-ROM drive for software installation; Sound card or powered speakers; Available USB port. Wow!  Good things

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Xigma Game Boy Advance SP Leather Armor Case Review

Product Requirements: Device: Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP That latest portable gaming device to capture the attention of both children and adults, is the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP. The Game Boy Advance SP is the perfect size device to throw in your gear bag, purse or jacket pocket. Nintendo did not see fit to

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